Reader Controller Entrypass Mini EP.M828
EntryPass Active Networks are designed to enhance highly customized and rapid ‘real-time’ changes to the underlying network operation. Brilliantly engineered with all the power you need to enable code-sending, minus unnecessary buffer time with its distributed architecture capable of processing access demand at the edge level without leveraging at the server end.
Rather than keeping the event in memory awaiting for host server
tpoll, Entrypass N-MiNi actively transmit the current event data to host
server as it happens, meaninevent get delivered instantly and can be
act upon faste.
No more waiting! Abandoned the conventional card sending process
which take forever, DataMirror reproduce the exact card data structure
before sending to the control panel. This dramatically reduced the time
required for sending large quantity of card to control panel.
When detected error, system will prompts user via the onboard
graphical LCD. Installer information can be loaded prior activating the
system. No more worries on who to call when system breaks down.
Newly improved card searching algorithm, now card authentication only takes a fraction of second even when the memory is full.
Feature Highlight
Firmware upgrade via server
10,000 Card Holder / 20,000 event buffer memory
Intuitive display menu
Adaptive reader location
Card Only / Card + Pin / Buddy ModeSingle Door Application
Available in various reader technologies
TCP/IP port onboard
Relay mirror capability
White graphical LCD display